‘WE DIDN’T LISTEN’ Parents of adorable baby with birthmarks on 80% of body told they could LEAVE him at hospital if they didn’t want him

THE parents of an adorable baby boy born with birthmarks on 80 per cent of his body were told they could leave him in hospital if they didn’t want him. Artyom Aristakesyan was born with nevus birthmarks of oval patches of raised, dark-coloured skin and also needed surgery for spina bifida. The youngster was born … Read more

Harry was born at the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Margate

A newborn baby’s death a week after his emergency delivery was “wholly avoidable” and “contributed to by neglect”, a coroner has said. Harry Richford died in November 2017 after being born at Margate’s Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital. His mother, Sarah Richford, had an emergency caesarean but coroner Christopher Sutton-Mattocks listed a series of … Read more

SEE IT: Baby Russian girl born without arms learns to eat with her feet

Emily Knutzen shared a video to Facebook of her daughter Vasilina learning to eat with her feet. Emily Knutzen shared a video to Facebook of her daughter Vasilina learning to eat with her feet. (Elmira Knutzen/Facebook) Teaching a toddler to eat with silverware is no easy feat, but a Russian mother and her daughter have … Read more

Great moments: Beautiful babies imitating adults’ daily clicks will make your heart melt

Children today have access to a wide range of opportunities that allow them to explore their interests and talents. One of these opportunities is the chance to engage in adult professions, something that was once unheard of. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of children taking on adult professions. On the … Read more

BURLY BABY Morbidly obese baby girl alarms doctors by weighing in at nearly THREE stone at just eight months old

Chahat Kumar was born an average weight but just eight months later weighs the same as an average four-year-old A morbidly obese baby has baffled doctors as she tips the scales at nearly THREE stone. Chahat Kumar was born an average weight but started ballooning in size at the age of four months. Now eight … Read more

Newborn baby holds contraceptive coil that failed to stop mum getting pregnant

Baby at hai phong international hospital holding the IUD copper coil that failed to stop his mum getting pregnant A newborn baby was photographed holding the IUD that failed to prevent his mum from getting pregnant (Picture: Hai Phong International Hospital) It’s an image to instill deep fear into the hearts of anyone who doesn’t … Read more

Woman Gives Birth To Five Kids After Ten Years Of Waiting In Marriage

Mother of quintuplets in cross riverA couple that has been married for 10 years without children gave birth to five kids, the first quintuplets’ birth recorded at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) in Cross River State. The three girls and two boys, born between 10:50 a.m. and 10:54 a.m. on Monday, weighed between … Read more